Collect US Coins Website
It's been over 40 years since I started collecting coins. Beginning with Lincoln Cents and Jefferson Nickels, my US collection grew. As time went on, I would complete simple collections like Franklin Half Dollars and Wartime Nickels. There was a period where I would have to stop, but would return in 2015. I built this website to get more people interested in coin collecting and learn more as I go along. Check out my website -
Silver Content of US Coins
Wondering how much your silver coins are worth? That's why I wrote this article. It should give you an idea on how to determine the minimum value or "melt value" based on the current price of silver.
2020 West Point Quarters
In an attempt to get more people to collect coins, the US Mint released a limited amount of circulating quarters from West Point in 2020.
Foreign Coins Minted in the US
My mom found this coin here and gave it to me thinking it was an old US nickel. It was the same size but was a Cuban five centavos coin. Turns out I would find there was more to this coin than I thought as well as a number of foreign coins.